Natural Ice Refrigerator from a Prague Home Dated 1907

Interactive 3D model, collection item of the City of Prague Museum

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Model is part of a web extension to the exhibition Prague 1848 – 1918 City of Prague Museum

The wooden cabinet with a metal ice box, which provided the coldness of the food in the cabinet, had been used since 1907 by the inhabitants of the house near the City Hall, today's Washington Street 9.

The natural ice was deposited in the metal box, which cooled the food space. According to the last user of the fridge, from which the museum acquired it in 2005, the came from the Vltava River, where it was recovered from the ice makers who had broken pieces of ice from the frozen river and drove them to the brewery cellars and ladders.

Ledování u Šítkovských mlýnů kolem roku 1900, foto Jindřich Eckert
Ledování u Šítkovských mlýnů kolem roku 1900
foto Jindřich Eckert, MMP H 10 095
Ledování u Mánesa ve 30. letech 20. století
Ledování u Mánesa ve 30. letech 20. století
MMP H 46 197

The ice was mainly used for beer cooling. Ice-making was mostly a winter job of swimmers, who earned money this way out of the cruise season.

The group of ice makers was put together by a factor (he was always a whistleblower employed by the Prague municipality). Chippers cut the ice on the river on so-called benches, and the swimmers carried the benches to the place where they were loaded onto the wagons. Another chisel cut the benches into smaller pieces - the shutters. The shutter factor was punched for the tractors that pulled them out of the cars. There is a chisel between the cars divided into smaller pieces for loading. The builder then built pieces of ice on the wheels and prepared them for the loaders.