Interactive 3D visualizations
The CESNET Association in collaboration with museum institutions develops unique interactive 3D models of cultural heritage objects. The models are complemented with hardware and software solutions for their visualization and interaction with visitors both in physical exhibitions and in the Internet environment. A set of models can be used to create a virtual exhibition. Models can also be presented in virtual or augmented reality environment. CESNET can provide hosting of models in the cloud environment.
When creating models, we pay attention to the accuracy of capturing details of an object, its texture and material. The object is typically scanned in its original location, such as in an exhibition or depository. Model creation and preparation of visualization is done in the SAGElab laboratory of the CESNET association. An important part of the presentation of 3D models is the software for interactive visualization, that we offer.
The advantage of interactive 3D models is a more accurate representation of collection items compared to photographs and a new possibilities of presentation to professionals and general public. Visitors have the opportunity to view the collection item in detail from around the object, see its internal parts and to virtually manipulate with the object, such as disassembling parts added during object reconstruction. Examples of interactive 3D models can be viewed by clicking on their preview photos below.